Being an island nation there are two options. Flying or ferry.


Pets can fly in either the cabin with the owner or as cargo under the control of airport handlers. Unfortunately there is only one airline that currently allows pets(under 8kg) to leave the UK in the cabin of the plane. Round of applause for Finnair. Airlines have to have a CAA licence to do this, Finnair are the only airline to take out this licence. To encourage other airlines to do this please consider writing to them expressing your disappointment.

Due to UK Borderforce regulations no pets are permitted to enter the UK travelling in the cabin. The expensive cargo route is the only option.

In summary, most airlines will transport pets in and out of the UK as cargo but this is expensive. Finnair will transport pets under 8kg in the cabin, but not into the UK. Travelling to the Far East, I would use Finnair to fly out of the UK(Heathrow), have a stopover in Helsinki, then continue on to my final destination.

Each airline has different size and weight limits for travel in the cabin. Saudi Air have a 5kg weight limit! Check these limitations before you buy your ticket.

I will only travel in the cabin so if I am travelling to a destination that Finnair doesn’t fly to I have to take a ferry to Schipol, then fly to my onward destination..


I often leave the UK by ferry to Rotterdam or Zeebrugge, either from Hull or Harwich. Stenaline and P.O. Ferries operate these routes. Both have kennelling facilities, and are around 12 and 6 hour crossings respectively. If I travel by bicycle I have to use a kennel, but if I am in a vehicle I can stay in that on the Harwich route.

From Rotterdam it is easy to get to Schipol for a flight to destinations throughout the world. I use Skyscanner, Momondo, and Google Flights to find the best value and convenient routes with good stopovers. I prefer a stopover after about 5 hours so if I have a choice of a 10 hour flight or 2 flights of 5 hours with a short stopover I take the stopover.

Health certificates and travel documents.

The most important thing is that I am micro chipped and that the chip is registered with a chip registry. In the event that I am lost, any vet will be able to trace my owners. Airlines and ferry companies will also scan me to check the microchip against the number in my passport. Most ferry and airline companies require a health certificate obtained from a government vet within 10 days of travel. In my experience it is only asked for about 50% of the time. However, I never travel without it. I also check on Google about the regulations for each country I travel to. My vaccinations are always up to date, including rabies. The UK is currently happy with 3 year rabies vaccinations but other countries require annual boosters so I get annual boosters at my own vet. I also carry my rabies titre test results(now laminated as it is getting a bit ‘dog eared’ and tatty) as some countries ask to see that document too. And of course, all these vaccinations are documented in my EU passport, that may soon have to be renewed due to Brexit. These rules are all quite fluid so I cannot be held responsible for any errors, I am just a cute Jack Russell cross. Latest news as on January 2020 is that talks are on going to keep the pet passport scheme as it is, that is great news.

Travel pet carrier advice

A travel pet carrier should be well ventilated, soft shell,  and secure. I bought mine from Amazon where they have loads of choice. If an airline PETC(pet in the cabin) rule states 8kg maximum, that includes the weight of the pet carrier as well as the pet. I have only been weighed once, most airline staff take a view that I don’t look over 8kg. It may therefore be important to check the weight of the carrier, some are heavier than others. I always have a puppy pad for emergencies in the bottom of it, and wet wipes and poo bags handy in the zipper.

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